Breakdancers on O’Connell Street in 1984 show off their moves and were highlighted on The Late Late Show, with Gay Byrne, that year. John Dillon spoke for the breakdancers on how they could practice their moves.
Through the Limerickslife Facebook Page we were quickly able to discover some of the names of these breakdancers thirty years later, and bring back memories of dancing on cardboard for many others.
The known breakdancers are : Danny Bullman (better known in Limerick today as a tattoo artist) & Mike Hogan. John Dillon, James Malone & Noel O’Brien (these three were known as Krazy Feet 3). While others were Martin Higgins, Ritchie Hogan, Caroline Hartigan, Julie McCabe and Pauline McCabe.
Other Dance Groups in Limerick Today
We still have a vibrant dance community in Limerick with the Make A Move festival running in July. Dance Limerick is another alternative dance group in Limerick, which host continual unique dance performances throughout the year.