The following are a collection of events that are connected to the history of Limerick or people from Limerick during the month of January. 1 January – On this day 1 Jan 1877, Richard O’Shaughnessy (1842-1918) M.P. for Limerick received the Freedom of Limerick from Mayor James Spaight 2 January – On this day, 2…
Category: Featured
1862 Weddings Announcements in Ireland
1862 was two years before civil registrations became compulsory for all in Ireland on 1 January 1864 (there were civil marriage records from 1 April 1845 for non-Catholic Christian and Jewish marriages, but these did not include Roman Catholics marriages). All marriages at this time were recorded in the parish church in which the marriage…
Making the Most of – Irish Civil Registration Records
Tracing your Irish family history can be a daunting task. The following video contains tips and trick on how to make the most of the Irish Civil Registration Records. The Irish Civil Registration records began in 1864 and cover Birth, Marriage and Death records. With the exception of non-Roman Catholic Marriages are recorded from 1845,…
Making the Most of – The 1901 and 1911 Census of Ireland
Tracing your Irish family history can be a daunting task. The following video contains tips and trick on how to make the most of the 1901 and 1911 Census of Ireland. Although the regular census for Ireland began in 1821, a series of events which involved both voluntary and accidental destruction mean that only fragments…
Episode 4 Rediscovering Limerick – Cleeve’s Condensed Milk Factory
This series of videos Rediscovering Limerick details aspects of Limerick’s History is written and presented by Sharon Slater of Limerick’s Life and filmed and edited by Sean Wrenn of I Love Limerick in an attempt to inform, educate and amuse. Rediscovering Limerick takes you onto the streets to walk into the steps of our past….
Limerick Streets – From Abbey Bridge to Augustinian Lane
Each street in Limerick was given a name, and sometimes a name was given twice, as with Church Street or New Street. Listed below are the most likely reasons behind each street name in the city, although some street names have changed through time. While the original reasoning for certain names have been lost to…