HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW LIMERICK? ANSWER THE FOLLOWING 10 QUESTIONS TO FIND OUT. THE CLUES AND SOLUTIONS TO THIS QUIZ CREATED BY THE TWEETY STONE. You can find other Limerick History Quiz by the Tweety Stone at Limerick History Quiz 1 Limerick History Quiz 2
Category: Quizzes
A series of quizzes on Limerick and her history.
Limerick History Quiz 2
HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW LIMERICK? ANSWER THE FOLLOWING 10 QUESTIONS TO FIND OUT. THE CLUES AND SOLUTIONS TO THIS QUIZ CREATED BY THE TWEETY STONE. You can find other Limerick History Quiz by the Tweety Stone at Limerick History Quiz 1 Limerick History Quiz 3
Irish Georgian Society Bulletins Giveaway Competition
Limerick’s Life Giveaway Competition Win 20 Irish Georgian Society Bulletins In January 2015, Limerick’s Life posted a quiz to win the pictured selection of Irish Georgian Society Bulletins from the 1960s to the 1980s which showcased a range of topics of importance from the Irish Georgian Society. The competition is now closed and the 20 booklets…
Limerick History Quiz 1
How well do you know Limerick? Answer the following 10 questions to find out. The clues and solutions to this quiz created by the Tweety Stone. You can find other Limerick History Quiz by the Tweety Stone at Limerick History Quiz 2 Limerick History Quiz 3
Tweasure Hunt – 24 March 2013
As part of the Life Long Learning Festival 2013 Sharon Slater and Gabriela Avram collaborated on the most recent Tweasure Hunt. This is the fourth Tweasure Hunt around the city and this tour took the participants around the John’s Gate area. The theme for this event was Family and so the team names were renowned…