The following are a series of the cases heard in the Limerick City Police Court on 18 July 1893. It was published in the Irish Examiner that same day.
City Police Court before J.B. Irwin, R.M., Dr O’Shaughnessy, the Mayor, W. J. O’Donnell, J Guinane and J O’Mara.
Two young lads named Fitzgerald and McCarthy were charged by the Night Watchman Frost under the Vagrancy Act with having been found sleeping in the house of Mrs Peacock, Michael Street. The accused were discharged, to be summoned to Petty Sessions.
John Lysaght was charged by his father-in-law John Cross with having assaulted him. He was sentenced to one month’s imprisonment at hard labour.
John Fitzgerald and John Geoghegan were charged by Head-Constable M’Menaman with having attempted to commit a felonious assault on a married woman named Mary Neiland in a land off John Street on Saturday night. Evidence of the circumstances having been given the accused were remanded to Petty Sessions.
John Lysaght was living at John’s Square when he assaulted his father-in-law John Cross on July 15, 1893. Lysaght was arrested for being drunk and disorderly on a public street that same day. He was married to Catherine “Kate” Cross, working as a fitter and living in Smyth’s Row when his son John was born in January 1896.
By 1901, Kate was recorded in the census of that year as being married but living with her father John Cross, an undertaker and publican, in Barrack Lane. She had her children twelve year old Lizzie, five year old John and one year old Michael with her.