It is far too easy to dis-humanise people from the past when you only see them in black and white. The following stereo-view of the Treaty Stone was produced by the largest producers of stereo-views in the world Underwood & Underwood Publishers.

Underwood & Underwood produced stereo-views from 1882 until 1920 this image in Limerick was taken about 1900. These slides were placed into a viewer and held over the eyes, the slight variation of each image would give the illusion of a 3D image.

treaty stone

Adding colour to the image pulls the people from the past into the present and we could almost imagine meeting them on Clancy Strand.

Below is the same image colourised to try and give it more life than a black & white image. It was difficult to decide what colours would suit each individuals clothing.

The postal boy sitting on the steps of the Treaty Stone was known to wear a office issued blue uniform which was easy to determine how he should be coloured. Meanwhile, red was a popular colour for cloaks throughout Ireland during this period. White aprons were a staple in the wardrobe of working class women at the turn of the last century.

treaty stone colour-Edit

You can see other images of the Treaty Stone with the Limerick Castle behind it on the following page – Limerick Castle

You can read a story related to the Treaty Stone on the following page – A Chuck of the stone