Dr Samuel Crumpe born in Rathkeale in 1766. He studied medicine in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Returning to Limerick in 1788, he worked in St. John’s Hospital which had only been founded in 1780 by Lady Lucy Pery Harstonge.

He married Susanna Ingram in 1792, they had a son (who did not live past infancy) and a daughter.

He was a made freeman of Limerick in 25 June 1792. Dr. Crumpe’s work on opium provided an experimental basis for classifying the drug as a stimulant rather than a narcotic. He died on the 27 January 1796 aged 29 of typhus which he contracted from a patient.

He is buried in St. Mary’s Cathedral Graveyard. Part of the inscription on his tomb reads

“Were his contemporaries to live forever monuments of his talents, it would be unnecessary to eternize his name. But as they also must descend into the grave, it is a just due to the memory of departed worth to inform posterity that beneath this stone is interred a man who to eminent talents, profound judgements and extensive knowledge, added integrity of the heart, benevolence of the disposition and suavity of manners. As a son, a husband, a parent, a friend, his conduct was such as to merit the tenderest love of those with whom he was connected, the warm approbation and esteem of all to whom he was known”

The following is an extract from Dr Samuel Crumpe’s diary of 1795 in which he kept track of the weather each day of that year, monitoring the barometer reading, wind direction, thermostat reading (from March onwards) and general remarks. The temperatures given are in Fahrenheit. 50 degrees Fahrenheit equals 10 degrees Celsius.

JanFebMarAprMayJun – Jul – AugSepOctNovDec

The following are the entries from his weather diary of 1795 for July.

01 July 179529.665WDry
02 July 179529.665WDry
03 July 179529.667EShowery
04 July 17953066NEDry
05 July 179530.168EDry
06 July 179530.170EDry
07 July 179530.170EDry
08 July 179530.172EDry
09 July 179530.172NEDry
10 July 179530.172EDry
11 July 179530.170EDry
12 July 179530.170EDry
13 July 179530.168EDry
14 July 179530.166NEDry
15 July 179530.162NEDry
16 July 179530.168NEDry
17 July 179529.968NEDry
18 July 179529.970NWDry
19 July 179529.972WDry
20 July 179529.870WDry
21 July 179529.572SWShowers
22 July 179529.768NWDry
23 July 179529.664NWSlight showers
24 July 179529.664NWHeat
25 July 179529.863NWSlight showers
26 July 179529.963WSlight showers and heavy wet afterwards
27 July 179529.763NWWet
28 July 179529.864WDry
29 July 179529.864SWDry, showers
30 July 179529.865SWHeavy showers
31 July 179529.865SWShowers

You can find the Weather Reports for other months in 1795 here.