In a tale reminiscent of the golden age of railway travel, a memorable excursion took place on Sunday, August 11, 1850, as the Great Southern and Western Railway connected the cities of Limerick and Cork. The journey, despite the typically unpredictable Irish weather, was filled with excitement and eager anticipation. The journey was recorded in the Cork Examiner, Monday, August 12, 1850.

On Yesterday the pleasure trip to this city from Limerick, by the Great Southern and Western Railway, came off. The train arrived in Cork at half-past nine yesterday, and all the carriages, of which a very large number were attached, were crowded with Limerick visitors, male and female, anxious to behold the celebrated scenery that surrounds the “beautiful city.”

It was much to be regretted that the weather proved so unfavourable as to afford the visitors but a poor opportunity of satisfying their curiosity. Numbers of the good people of Limerick went down in the half-past ten o’clock steamer to enjoy the beauty of the river; and, we understand, notwithstanding the unpropitious state of the weather, expressed themselves greatly delighted with the scenery from the city to Queenstown, and with the magnificent view of the bay which presents itself from every spot of the latter place. The train left Cork lo return, at six o’clock. No less than twelve carriages were filled, going and returning.

Next Sunday the citizens of Cork will be afforded an opportunity of returning the visit of their Limerick neighbours, and we have no doubt that it will be taken advantage of by the former in even greater numbers than those which poured into our city on yesterday. We trust that the weather may prove more favourable for the promised excursion than it did for yesterday’s trip. Both, we understand, are only the commencement of a series to be afforded to the public by the Great Southern and Western Railway Company during the remainder of the season.

This excursion was one of many milestones for the Great Southern and Western Railway, a company incorporated in 1845, which played a pivotal role in connecting the southern regions of Ireland. For over half a century, its tracks wove through the Irish countryside, bringing communities closer.

Map of the Great Southern & Western Railway c.1902.