The following are a collection of headstone inscriptions collected from St Munchin’s Church of Ireland Graveyard. This is not a complete survey. They are ordered by first surname on memorial. {Part 1 A-F & Part 2 G-M}
Nelson – In loving memory of William Nelson who entered into life eternal March 3rd 1903 aged 79 yrs. Emma Moeran infant daughter of William Rosina A. Nelson died December 30th 1889 aged 14 months. Rosina Adelaide Nelson fell asleep June 24th 1923 aged 73. Amy Nelson died 1st December 1952 aged 70 years. Beloved wife of Benjamin Morley Nelson died 13 August 1972 died 97 years.
Nelson – In loving memory of m my darling M.A. Nelson Feb 1895
Nevin – In loving memory of Leonard Nevin only child of Oliver and Margaret Williama died Aug 23 1905 aged 2 years and 6 months.
Newington – In memory Cecil Hayes Newington infant son of Capt C. C. Hayes Newington 1st East Surrey Regiment.
Nolan – In memory of Mrs M. Anne Nolan of the Kings Island whose premature demise has caused the deepest sorrow She died 26th March 1848 aged 227 also the memory of her most dear child Ann who died June 1848 aged 7, her son John aged 82, wife Bridget aged 76.
Norris – Erected by their beloved parents Jane Norris who died 4th Jan 1865 aged 50 years also her husband George F. Norris who died 4th May 1870 aged 69 years
Oake -To the memory of Harriette the beloved wife of William Oake native of Cowes Isle of Wight who died in childbirth July 25th 1844 aged 36 years. Respected and lamented by all who knew her in midst of life we are in death also the infant. Mary Oake sister of William Oake died Jan 9th 1847 aged 46 years. Also William Oake who died August 24th 1859 aged 53 yrs.
O’Brien – Erected by Mrs. Fife in memory of her beloved father and mother James O’Brien departed this life March 21, 1849 aged 71 years and his wife Bridget O’Brien died Sept 20th 1863 aged 86 yrs.
O’Brien – Erected by Tom O’Brien in the memory of his daughter Eleanor O’Brien who departed life July 8th 1793 aged 12 years.
O’Callaghan – This tomb was erected by P. O’Callaghan Esq in memory of his beloved daughter Kate who departed this life on the 15th March 1843 in the 24th year of her age.
O’Connell – Erected to the memory of William O’Connell of Limerick who died Jan 6th 1824 aged 55 years by his sorrowful and affectionate wife. Also in memory of her dear little children – Stephen, John, Joseph, Thomas, Julia and Annie who died young.
O’Donnell – Colonel A. O’Donnell served 35 years in India, died 26th December 1840 aged 82 years. Mary Napper O’Donnell died 29 years.
O’Dwyer – This tablet was erected by Mrs. Mary O’Dwyer in memory of her husband Thomas O’Dwyer who departed this life 2nd May 1860 aged 56, also her son Thomas who departed this life 23rd September 1838 aged 22.
O’Hara – In memory of Charles O’Hara merchant died 8th Feb 1859 aged 77 years. Catherine, his wife, died 16th June 1843 aged 63 years. His son Charles died 27th January 1837 aged 21 years. His son John, barrister-at-law, died 8th Nov 1846 aged 38 years. William O’Hara died April 1854 aged 9 months. John O’Hara of Ballygowan County Antrim died 11 Feb 1861 aged 85 years.
Oliphany – Erected to the memory of Alexander Oliphany Ship Master who died in Limerick on the 26th day of December 1821 aged 28 years, second son of the deceased Henry Oliphany late shipowner in Kirbaldy Scotland.
O’Neill – Here rest the remains of Mrs. Margaret O’Neill wife of Mr. Ian Francis is of the City of Limerick Merchant who departed this life on the 11th day of January 1811 leaving two sons John and Francis. In her short but useful life, she discharged the relative duties of mother, wife and friend with fidelity and truth. Her husband has erected the tomb.
O’Meara – This stone was erected by Timothy O’Meara in memory of his wife Grace O’Meara who departed this life Dec 1791 aged 30 years.
O’Reilly – To the memory of Thomas O’Reilly Esq who departed this life on the 10th Jan 1833 aged 51 years. This monument is erected as a small testimony of the respect and affection of his deeply attached widow who died on July 27th 1851.
O’Shea – Here lies the body of John O’Shea who departed this life 19th June 1831 aged 22 years.
Palmer – Here lies the body of Margaret Palmer wife of Alexander r Palmer who departed this life 18th Jan 1757 aged 27 yrs also her son John Palmer who departed 9th Sept 1756 aged 7 months.
Pardy – Sacred to the memory of Mary the beloved wife of Henry Pardy who departed this life on the 20th Dec 1867 aged 38 yrs Henry Pardy died Oct 30th 1874 aged 55 yrs also their son Robert died 24th Sept 1875 aged 16yrs
Park – In loving memory of Robert Park of Edinburg died 9th Dec 1900 aged 66
Parry – Sacred to the memory of Margaret Parry who departed this life December 29th 1869 aged 66
Phayer – In memory of Rebecca the beloved child of W and E Phayer died on the 5th day of February 1862 rejoicing in her blessed saviour through whose _ merits alone her spirits now rests in heaven aged 13 yrs and 3 months. William Phayer J.P.I.C of India Villa Corbally and influential citizen of Limerick and an active member for many yrs of most of its Public Boards died 8th April 1879 aged 68 yrs and Ellen (his wife) died 23rd July 1879 aged 64 years.
Pickerton – Erected to the memory of Rev John Pinkerton For 30 yrs Presbyterian Minister of Limerick, who departed this life on the 21st December 1860 aged 72 yrs. Also in memory of his predecessor the Rev Abraham Seawright who died 16/2/1803 aged 82yrs.
Piercy – Sacred to the memory of Captain Godfrey Piercy late Queens Royal Regiment son of the late Alderman John Piercy who departed this life Feb 1853, aged 36yrs.
Pike – Majorie Beatrice Pike died 19th Oct 1962. In Gods keeping Alice Barbara died 18th July 1900. James died 24th March 1908. Jean Matheson died 22nd Sept 1935. Anne Harvey died 19th Oct 1935. William Francis died 11th March 1950.
Plummer – In loving memory of Richard Plummer of Plummer Co Limerick died d July 31 1895 aged 73. And his children Geraldine died Feb 3rd 1880 aged 15, Alice died Jan 2nd 1894 aged 22, Richard eldest son died Nov 8th 1904 aged 42. Col W. Fitzgerald Plummer died at Burouth West Africa 18th Dec 1907 aged 40 yrs Elizabeth wife of major Richard Plummer died June 11th 1910 aged 78.
Power – In memory of our precious Baby Boy Stephen Power born and died 19th Oct 1984. ‘Jesus loves me’. Always remembered by his Mam and Dad and Brother Jeffrey.
Preston – Gerald William Preston died 30th January 1954 Lilian Adelaide Preston died 30 November 1977.
Price – In loving memory of Patricia Price died 16th June 1991
Pritchard – Sacred to the memory of Edgar Granfell the beloved child of Henry and Bessie Pritchard Royal Artillery died Oct 28th 1893.
Quinn – Lillian the dearly loved daughter of E. Quinn BM 4st Manchester Regt who went to Jesus Dec 15 1893 aged 15
Quinlan – Erected by the loving children of Catherine and William Quinlan. Catherine who died Oct 7th 1869 aged 50 yrs, William died Dec 20th 1870 aged 50 yrs
Quinlan – William J. Quinlan died April 2nd 1883 aged 6 yrs. Mrs Jane Whelan died 31st May 1912 aged 61 yrs.
Ranalow – Sacred to the memory of William Ranalow who departed this life February 8th 1861 aged 80 yrs. Also his daughter Margaret T. Ranalow who died Dec 28th 1848. Margaret T. Ranalow who died December 8th 1808 aged 84. Francis Ranalow died 26 day of May 1870 aged 68. Sarah Ranalow died Feb 11th 1900 aged 85.
Rawlins – Francis Rawlins died 15th Oct 1813 aged 71 yrs and his son Francis W. Rawlins died April 1919 aged 27 yrs. Also his wife Anne Rawlins died April 1934 aged 76 yrs.
Rea – Erected by his sorrowing parents for their dearly beloved son Thomas Patrick Rea died 19th July 1920 aged 2 months.
Rea – Sacred to the memory of John Rea who died at Castlebar on the 31st Oct 1902 aged 27 yrs.
Redding – In loving remembrance of Edward Redding who died 1st July 1911 aged 62 yrs and his wife Elizabeth Redding who departed this life 13th of June 1987 in her 70th yr. Also their oldest son Edward Thomas Redding who died 18th September 1961 aged 79 yrs.
Rennison – This tablet has been erected by William Rennison to the memory of his faithful and beloved wife Sarah Anne Rennison who died 21st Sept 1864 aged 45 yrs also his daughter Margaret and his son John Christopher on 6th of October 1873 aged 16 yrs after a protracted illness which he bore with Christian fortitude their end was peace and everlasting life. Here lieth also the remains of his father-in-law Goe Lambert and his sons John and Francis and daughter Martha. His daughter Jane Eliza died 9th May 1875 aged 25 and also her father William Rennison who died March 28th 1894 aged 84 yrs.
Richardson – In memory of James Richardson late of 17th Regiment and for 18 yrs Drum Major of the Royal Limerick County Militia who died at Limerick on 4th December 1873 aged 56 yrs. This stone is erected by Lieut Colonel the Earl of Limerick and Officers of the Latter Regt as a slight token of their esteem.
Richardson – Sacred to the memory of Sergeant Robert Richardson 60th light infantry officers mess who departed this life on the 6th day of August AD 1850 aged 42 yrs. This stone was erected by the officers of the regt as a tribute of respect.
Richardson – This monument is erected in the memory of Anne Richardson
Ringrose – This stone has been erected by M. Mary Ringrose to the memory of Miss Anne Ringrose who departed this life the 28th June 1839 aged 30 yrs.
Roche – In loving memory of Elizabeth Roche who departed this life October 6th 1910 wife of DL Roche and daughter of the late Samuel Kinston Maybury
Robinson – In memory of Margaret Robinson the dearly beloved wife of Thomas Robinson who departed this life Oct 24th 1874 aged 57 yrs. And of George their son who died Jan 1861 aged 10 yrs. Thomas Robinson who entered into rest Feb 1st 1907 in his 80th year.
Rogers – George Frederick Handel Rogers born 7 Sept 1807 died 12 Jan 1892 beloved and respected by all who knew him also his daughter Francis Jane wife of Frank Muspratt born 4th June 1856 died 7th July 1936.
Rogers – In this vault are deposited the mortal remains of Jane Philips who died August 27th 1851 aged 3 months and Handel William who died November 12th 1855 aged 7 yrs. The beloved children of Handel and Frances Rogers also of their beloved child Alexander F. Rogers who died April 27th 1869 aged 5 yrs and 8 months. Also Francis the beloved wife of G.F.H.Rogers who entered into her rest Feb 18th 1883 aged 62.
Rose – In loving memory of John Rose died 5th June 1958 Elizabeth C. Ross died 15th May 1922. Quintin Ross died 7th March 1933.
Rowland – In loving memory of Anne loving wife of James Rowland No 8 Upper Leeson St Dublin died 19th Nov 1888
Roycroft – In loving memory of Samuel James Kingston Roycroft died March 1962 and of his wife Maude who died 3rd April 1974.
Russell – Erected in memory of Michael Russell Esq. who departed this life July 8th 1819 aged 30 yrs.
Russell – Sacred to the memory of Sarah the beloved wife of George Russell who departed this life 9th Dec 1871 also of her two children Sarah Jane and Geraldine.
Russell – This tomb was erected by Ellen Russell to the memory of her dearly beloved husband John William Russell who departed of this life on the 3rd of August 1825 aged 38 yrs.
Scales – Erected to the memory of John W. Scales died 25th Jan 1885 aged 33 yrs. As a token of the esteem he was held in by those whom he was for many years associated in the service of the Waterford and Limerick Railway
Sharp – Erected by John Sharp Esq. to the memory of his father in law ? Corey Esq. who died 11th December 1837 aged 53
Shannon – This monument was erected by Pierce Shannon of the City of Limerick merchant in memory of his beloved wife Mrs Mary Shannon who departed this life 1st November 1820 aged 55 yrs.
Shewbridge – To the memory of Harriet Shewbridge who fell asleep in Christ 4th August 1866.
Siminton – Erected by their sorrowing children in loving memory of Samuel Simington who died 3rd of September 1885 aged 47 yrs and his wife Martha who died 19th April 1915 aged 65 yrs. Also their son David Simington died 24th July 1945 aged 74 yrs.
Seymour – In loving memory of Anne Seymour who died 26h April 1877 aged 88 yrs also her eldest son Harris Seymour 86 yrs and his sister Catherine Seymour 76yrs.
Seymour – In loving memory of Susanna Seymour who died October 6th 1876 and of her husband Alfred Seymour who died April 22nd 1882. Erected by her children.
Smyth – In loving memory of Alexander Smyth who died at Callow 23rd Dec 1918 also his wife Alice Maud Smyth whose remains are interned at Carlow.
Smyth – In loving memory of James Smyth who fell asleep in blessed assurance on the 15th April 1907 aged 74 yrs.
Stack – Edith Stack widow of TM Stack died 31 August 1953
Stack – In loving memory of Ethel Margaret wife of J. Morgan Stack February 27th 1893. J. Morgan Stack at rest 10th August 1920.
Stackpoole – Here are deposited the remains of Jane Stackpoole who departed this life Nov the 28th 1819 aged 69 yrs
Stackpoole – To the memory of Gar. Michael Stackpoole RN youngest son of the late George Stackpoole of Cragbrien Castle died at his seat Milford House 15th December 1840.
Stanley – In loving memory Cedric F. Stanley died 21st July 1963 peace perfect peace Stanley
Steele – Erected to the memory of Ellen Steele widow of the late Richard Steele Esq. Bally Edmond in the Queens county who died 30 January 1866.
Stevenson – Erected by L. Stevenson Surgeon in memory of his beloved son Alfred who died 19th Feb 1841 aged 6 yrs
Stewart – ln memory of Margaret Anne (Nannie) the beloved wife of Joseph Stewart who died 9th March 1901 and of Joseph Stewart who entered into rest 17th March 1931 and of their daughter Margaret Rachael who died 12th May 1952. Standish Stewart died 14th May 1967 Barney Stewart died 19th Feb 1968
Stewart – Sacred to the memory of Mary Stewart who departed this life February 16th 1859 aged 43. This stone was erected by a friend who loved and deeply regrets her.
Stewart – The Rev George Stewart Methodist Minister April 4th 1853 fell asleep in Jesus. Sophia Stewart his wife December 26th 1879 aged 79 yrs. Margaret Wallace their daughter May 12th 1858 aged 27 yrs. Also Elizabeth Scott May 7th 1914 aged 79 yrs.
Studdert – Beneath this stones lies the remains of Maria Studdert third daughter of Maurice Studdert Esq. in this County and wife of Thomas Wilkinson who fell asleep in the Lord on the 20th May 1861 aged 71 yrs.
Studdert – Erected by Margaret Anne Studdert in memory of her sons Thomas Ralston Studdert who died August 7th 1861 aged 26 yrs also Hugh Crawford Studdert who died at Gavday, East Indies on the 21st October 1860 aged 22 yrs.
Sullivan – In loving memory of our dear father Patrick Hastings Sullivan late of Tipperary who died Feb 6th 1923 aged 56 yrs Erected by his fond wife and children.
Sweeney – This monument was dedicated to John Sweeney to the endearing remembrance of his wife Roseanna Sweeney who departed this life on the 5th March 1836 aged 30 yrs.
Sword – Thro’ lost to sight, to memory clear, beneath this tablet erected by James Sword lie the remains of three beloved children Mary Anne aged 12, Caroline aged 10, and William 1 year. Also deeply lamented his son James who departed this life Dec 6th 1843 aged 29.
Taverner – To the memory of W.E. Taverner who departed this life march 11th 1819 aged 31 yrs. And his wife Sophia Doherty who died Sept 21st 1836. Also their daughter Anna Francis Taverner who died July 14th 1917.
Taylor – In loving memory of David Taylor who fell asleep in Jesus November 24th 1889 aged 49 yrs. Also his children Frances Caroline aged 10 months David Henry aged 7 years and 9 months, Alice Maud in her 17th year. Eileen Mabel in her 19th Year. Anne Gertrude 19th Dec 1918. His wife Mary Elizabeth died 1st July 1929 aged 85 yrs. Jessie Louisa 24th April 1935.
Taylor – In loving memory of my dear mother Annette Taylor who died 22nd May 1889 aged 76 yrs and of her daughter Elizabeth who died 1st January 1890 aged 45 yrs
Toler – Sacred to the memory of Alfred Henry the beloved infant son of Charles Toler Esq and Mary Catherine his wife
died December 24th 1867 aged 1 years and 7 months
Townley – Sacred to the memory of Charlotte the beloved wife of Charles G. Tc Townley LLD died on the 11th of June 1839 in her 30th yr.
Trevelyan – Erected by M.M. Trevelyan in memory of her ever lamented and beloved husband Alfred Trevelyan son of Sir J. Trevelyan of Somershire and Wallington Northumberland. Who died Jan 22nd 1831 aged 22 yrs.
Tuthill – In memory of Samuel Tuthill Eqs died in 1849, Sarah his wife died in 1845
Trownsell – Alice their daughter died in 1851. William Trownsell their grandson and son of Charles and Anne Trownsell died 9th September 1863 aged 19.
Tyrell – Sacred to the memory of Mrs H.L, Tyrell and her beloved sister Sophia Adamson who departed this life the former
on the 1st April, the latter on the 23rd of March 1819. This mark of respect affection is placed here by their
Varenne – In loving memory of Alice daughter of Alexander Codde Cornte de Varenne wife of the late Louis D Acron died 18th May 1962 on whose souls, sweet Jesus have mercy
Vandeleur – Erected by his Surviving children in loving memory of Major Thomas Pakenham Vandeleur for 25 years treasurer of the county of Limerick. Who died at Bellefield January 17th 1879 aged 80 yrs. And of Frances Lucy his wife who died October 8th 1891. Also their children Thomas Pakenham died March 6th 1836 aged 6 months Charlotte aged 26 yrs Eva the dear wife of Cecil Vandeleur died 24th April 1893 loved and beloved
Wallace – James Rowland Wallace died 13th May 1916 aged 66 yrs. Frederick Wallace Raine died 5th Sept 1916 aged 4yrs. William Angustus Wallace died 18th Sept 1.916 aged 23 yrs. Richard Cook Wallace, Irish Guards missing in France Sept 1917. Frederick George Wallace died 24th Feb 1851 aged 69 yrs. Isobel May Wallace died 6th Dec 1958 aged 42 yrs. Charles R. Wallace died 21st May 1971. Joseph Hewton Archbold Wallace died 10th Feb 1950.
Walker – In loving memory of Robert Ferguson Walker who died Nov 7th 1901 aged 44 yrs and of his mother Margaret Lang Walker who died March 7th 1914 aged 80 yrs.
Ward – Erected by Francis and Elizabeth Ward in memory of their beloved father William Ward who departed this life August 26th 1832 aged 62 years. Also their mother Catherine Ward July 30th 1836 aged 67 yrs. The family tomb of the Francis Ward Hartstone.
Watson – Beneath this tomb are deposited the lamented remains of Andrew Watson Alderman for many years the Senior Magistrate of the City of Limerick and Justice of the Peace for the County of Clare. He titled the office of Sheriff the year 1796 and that of Mayor of Limerick in 1812 and discharged all the relative and social duties of life with Scrupulous fidelity and fell asleep in the Lord on Sunday the 16th September 1832 in his 78th year in memory of Henry Watson JP son of Andrew Alderman Mayor three years in succession and high sheriff of Limerick. A friend of the poor esteemed by all died in March 9th 1860 aged 71 yrs.
Watson – In affectionate memory of Caroline the beloved wife of Joseph Watson Ennis Road Limerick died 12th November 1900 aged 69 yrs. Joseph Watson died 8th July 1907 aged 76 yrs. William Harris 3rd son of above died 8th April 1911 aged 45 yrs William Cordon only son of above died 12th July 1944 aged 42 yrs.
Watts – Monica Watts died 21 May 1981.
Webb – This stone was erected by Patrick Webb in memory of his wife Catherine Webb Who departed life July 5th 1795 aged 55 yrs.
Wickham – In loving memory of Edmund Loftus Wickham sixth son of Captain John Wickham JP 17th Regt of Madeboy House in this County who died 26th Oct 1891 aged 76 years also of his wife Maria Henrietta Wickham who died 30th August 1910 aged 84 yrs.
Whitaker – In loving memory of the Rey Thomas K. Whitaker was entered into rest on the 15th Dec 18914 aged 79 yrs. Also his nephew Thomas G. Whitaker who died on the 15th Sept 1886 aged 37 yrs. Edith Emma Bell died Jan 12 1949. James Bell died 20th April 1949.
White – In memory of Rosa White 15th June 1860 aged 43. Rebecca De Zouche died 11th December 1879 aged 85.
White – In loving memory of Margaret Jane the beloved wife of Thomas white died 28th October 1917 and John their dearly beloved second son died 10th Nov 1918, also the above named Thomas White died 17th Feb 1923.
Whyte – In loving memory of De Burgh Whyte born march 28th 1883 died November 28th 1883 aged 8 months and Frederick Whythe born August 24th 1884 died December 17th 1884 aged 4 months.
Whitty – To the beloved memory of Emily wife of John L Whitty whose remains were laid here the 2nd anniversary of her wedding December 31st 1869 also her infant child who died with her. Erected by her sorrowing husband and mother.
Whitly – To the beloved memory of Emily wife of John L. Whitly whose remains were laid on the 2nd anniversary of her wedding dec 31st 1869 also her infant child who died with her. Erected by her sorrowing husband and mother.
Wilde – In loving memory of Emma the beloved wife of Alfred Wilde Captain of the Limerick Fire Brigade 1893-1900 died January 4th 1925. Interred in St James Cemetery Dove also of Oscar Alfred John Wilde Elder son of the above died June 5th 1931 aged 46 years.
William – Sacred to the memory of John William late colour Sergeant of the 63rd regiment who departed this life on the 12th July 1851 aged 34 yrs beloved and respected by all who knew him his brother non-commissioned officer have erected this stone as a small token of their regard for his memory.
Williams – In loving memory Leonard Nevin only child of Oliver and Margaret Williams died Aug 23rd 1905 aged 2 yrs and 5 months.
Williams – In loving memory of Anne the beloved wife of David Williams who died April 1st 1904 aged 53 yrs also of David Williams who died April 12 1908 aged 67 years. Richard J. Williams drowned at sea Sept 24th 1903 aged 27yrs. Edward D. Williams died in Jamaica West Indies Oct 30th 1915 aged 39 yrs. Anne Maud Baldwin beloved wife of Charles W. Baldwin died 3rd April 1964. Godfrey Adrian Baldwin died 15th Dec 1971.
Wilson – Departed this life on the 30th January 1847 aged 24 yrs. Jane wife of the Rev David Wilson Presbyterian Minister of Limerick also on the 4th day of June 1847 aged 11 months Ballyloughlan Co Antrim his daughter Margaret.
Wilson – To the memory of Caroline Wilson died 24th February 1901 Maria Wilson died 4th March 1915 aged 89.
Wilson – Sacred to the memory of Nanny Wilson beloved daughter WH Wilson who died Highgate London 24th Oct 1918 aged 30 years. WH Wilson father died 23 Feb. 1923 aged 58 yrs.
Wilson – In loving memory of Mary Wilson beloved wife of William H. Wilson a devoted mother of 11 children who fell asleep in Jesus 14th Feb 1817. Also Edward Wilson son aged 11 years and Amelia Chariotte Wilson daughter aged 16 yrs. Also Thomas James Wilson eldest son aged 33 yrs.
Wilson – In loving memory of Rev David Wilson D D born 27th May 1820 died 4th Dec 1894 for 50 yrs Presbyterian Minister in this city. And of his eldest son Robertson BS Wilson born 5th August 1849 died 10th March 1878. Also of his wife Jessie Bannatyne Wilson born 24th Oct 1821 died 8th June 1904. Kathleen B Wilson died Nov 12th 1910 James Y. Wilson died at Winnipeg May 25th 1916. Major Edmund FB Wilson killed in France August 17th 1917.
Wilson – Departed this life on the 30th of January 1847 aged 21 years. Jane wife of the Rev David Wilson Presbyterian Minister of Limerick also on the 4th day of June 1847 aged 11 months at Ballyloughan Co Antrim his daughter Margaret.
Winder – Erected by Mary Ann Winder in loving memory of her husband and children George Winder died 30th Dec 1890 aged 67 yrs. Francis John aged 21 years, Martin 6 years, Mary Ann Winder wife of the above George Winder died 26th Feb 1911 aged 86 years, her son John Winder died 16th Dec 1936 aged 87 yrs, his wife Mary Jane died Aug 1917 aged 58 yrs, his daughter Mary Eleanor died Aug 1933.
Will – In loving memory of Thomas Godfrey Will born 18th Dec 1904 also Clarence Harty Will born 16th Dec 1906 died 27th Oct 1907. Mary Agnes Wills died 12th Jan 1923 aged 52, Michael Harty Wills died 23 May 1933 aged 65 yrs. Edgar W. Wills aged 17 CPLKRR, killed in France 1916. Harold C Wills aged 21 killed in France 1917.
Wormleighton – In affectionate remembrance of Samuel Wormleighton died 5th November 1877 and his wife Mary died 23rd Jan 1872 also to their deceased children Joseph Daniel, Emily Taylor, Richard Barker, Benjamin Samuel, Walter Francis died 5th July 1905 interred at Deans Grange Co Dublin George W. Wormleighton died at Winnipeg Canada, Nov 1911.
Worts – In memoriam Emma Worts the beloved wife of Samuel Mc D. Allen died July 26th 1877 aged 32 yrs.
Worts – In the memory of Hannah Worts who died May 7th 1870 Aged 24 yrs also William Stewart died November 22nd 1873 aged 70 yrs also James Worts died March 8th 1874 aged 30 yrs.