Joseph Sace was living and working in Limerick in 1892. This was to become a very busy year for the Belgian born hairdresser . Firstly he married a widow Annie Egleston nee Doherty on 30 May 1892 in the Dublin City registry office. Both the bride and groom were of full age. Sace surprisingly for the time was divorced. He was living at 41 Cecil Street while Annie was living at 13 O’Connell Avenue.
The next major event for Sace was a review of his business to be included in Dublin, Cork, and South of Ireland A Literary, Commercial, and Social Review 1892 by Straten & Straten. With that came the notice of the destruction of his business.
Joseph Sace, Hairdresser, Hair and Perfume Manufacturer,
119, George Street, Limerick.
The trade and calling if the perfumer and hairdresser is eminently represented in Limerick by Mr. Joseph Sace, whose well-known business- commenced in Cecil Street in 1885 and transferred to the above address two years ago- now constitutes one of the most popular among the City’s fashionable centres of trade. The rapid advancement of the house in the favour and support of its now numerous patrons is largely, if not almost entirely, due to the consideration with which the interest of a large circle of ladies and gentlemen are anticipated, and the skill with which the principal and his expert staff illustrate every branch of that art in which Mr. Sace has already acquired some considerable distinction. Previous to commencing business in Limerick Mr. Sace acquired the Diploma of Honour at Brussels in 1884, and was the recipient of the first-class Diploma of London in 1885. In devising all kinds of fashion and stylish coiffures in the latest and most attractive modes, and in the manufacture of ornamental hair fringes and plaits, Mr. Sace has given evidence of exceptional artistic taste ; and as a manufacturer, also, of various popular perfumes, has developed an industry in which there is ample scope for the exercise of that special proficiency he has already evinced in other departments of the hairdresser’s and perruquier’s art.
The establishment in George Street is a fine example of the modern and high-class hairdressing depot, being of spacious dimensions and appointed with all the luxuriance of the Metropolitan saloons. THe front portion exhibits a large stock shown to the best advantage, and embracing French and English cosmetiques, brushes, crimping and curling irons, toilet sponges, bandeaux, wigs and a series of the latest designs in fancy pins and combs from Paris. Behind are the private hairdressing apartments, fitted with settees, fine marble shampooing stands, and mirrors and further to the rear are the ladies’ rooms, including reception and operation rooms, all appointed on a scale of elegance acceptable to the most fastidious, and manifesting those numerous phases of cheerfulness and comfort which ladies are ever ready to appreciate. The latest improvement in hairdressing machinery are here adopted, and it would be difficult to find any detail of appointment detracting from the general appearance of completeness which characterise the house. It is evident that no expense was been spared in rendering it suitable to the tastes and requirements of its habitués, and to these attractions may be added the genial courtesy and attentiveness of Mr Sace, who endeavours to afford the utmost satisfaction to the number City and suburban connections, among whom his establishment has become a favourite rendezvous.
Since the above review was written the whole of Mr Joseph Sace’s premises have been completely destroyed by fire, a brave and much regretted fireman losing his life. They are being reconstructed on a more elaborate scale.
Dublin, Cork, and South of Ireland A Literary, Commercial, and Social Review, 1892, Straten & Straten
The fire mentioned took place in January 1891, and it was the then Captain of the Fire Brigade, Patrick Jones, who lost his life when he fell from his ladder. A public fund was raised to support Jones’ family.
In 1901, he was living in Liverpool, and still working as a hairdresser. His wife Anne and Anne’s three daughters from her previous marriage Clara, Anna and Eliza were all living them. The daughters were all recorded under their step father’s name and the first two were also assisting him. While Eliza was a hospital nurse.
In 1903, he became a naturalised citizen of Britain.
By 1906, his Limerick born wife was no longer in the picture (it is unknown if she died or divorced) and his new wife was was thirty years his junior.
When he passes away in Liverpool in 1926, he left all his effects to a spinster named Agnes May Murray. He had no children.
Interestingly, all 15 of the hairdressers on the 1901 census for Limerick were men.