The Limerick Chronicle 14 February 1791
Fly Coaches
The Limerick and Monastereven Fly Coaches commence running in one day, from Limerick to Monastereven on Monday the 31st Day of January Instant:-
They leave Limerick at 5 o’clock precisely on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, and the Munster Hotel, Monastereven at 5 o’clock on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, for Limerick, each Passenger paying 1l. 5s. English. Children in the Lap and outside passengers, half price. 14lb of luggage allowed each passenger, any over 1½d per lb. – any Persons going shorter distances, pay 5d per mile. Places to be taken at Mr Richard Taylor’s, Square, Limerick, and Mr John Bray’s Merchant, Fishamble-street, Dublin. Passengers are requested to attend the hour of setting off from each stage, as the Coaches will certainly set off at the hour appointed.
◊ For the safety of the passengers, the coaches travel with an armed guard and have patentee lamps, which convey considerable light in the darkest night.
The Limerick Journal 21 April 1791
Respectfully begs leave to acquaint his Friends and the Public, that he is (as usual) well supplied with the following Wines in Timber and Bottle, viz. Old Claret, Red and White Port, Old Hermitage, Madeira, and Paharetes of superior Quailty; Sherry, Frontighiac, Beziers, Carcavella, Lisbon and Malaga. A fresh supply of best Brandy Fruits of different kinds, Olives, Anchovies, Capers, and Oil, with a great Variety of French Cordials of remarkable Quality and best Bourdeaux Pickling Vinegar, all of which he will engage Genuine.
April, 14, 1791.CLERK and BREWER
Wants employment a young man who has been several years Clerk and Brewer in this City, and has been lately instructed in Brewing and Malting in England, is to be hearof at the Printers.Limerick, April 18th, 1791.
Has just landed, and now on Sale at his Store 200 Barrels best North Highland White Herrings from Greenocks Broad, half flat, and square Iron, Liverpool and Kilkenny Coal.Limerick, April 7, 1791.
The House in Dominick Street, lately inhabited by Mrs. Evans, will be Set or the Interest Sold:- Application to Mr. Thomas Hardy, there.
March 21, 1791.