The General Advertiser or Limerick Gazette 22 January 1811

Bold and Rowe

Apothecaries and Druggists, George’s-street.

Patent medicines from the original Proprietors; Glass and Stable Purging Balls, prepared with Barbadoes Aloes; Pectoral and Diuretic Ditto, with Horse Medicine of every kind, prepared with care; Soda and Cheltenham Water, genuine Cheltenham Salt, Issue Plaister, Orange Peas, &c. &c.

The Public are respectfully informed, that under the above Firm, the business will be carried on extensively and with all that care and attention its utility and importance require.

Directing their united exertions to all the varied duties of their profession, they hope they will gain that public confidence they have hitherto individually so amply experienced. Limerick, Jan. 22.

-> An Apprentice wanted.

The General Advertiser or Limerick Gazette 5 February 1811

State of the County of Limerick Infirmary from 26th December to 26th January 1811.

Remained 26th December – 35
Admitted Since – 26
Total – 61
Of whom were Cured – 10
Relieved –  2
Incurable – 3
Died – 1
Remained in Infirmary – 45
Total -61

The General Advertiser or Limerick Gazette 3 May 1811

Established Music Warehouse, Apollo, No. 32, Patrick-street.

James Corbett respectfully informs the Nobility and Gentry, he has received last week from London, per the Janet and the Catherine, and this day per the Beresford, a Grand Assortment of Musical Instruments, among which are a variety of Plain and Elegant Finished Patent Piano Fortes of the best Quality, and on the newest and most approved construction.

The variety and number of Musical Instruments at his Warehouse, will be found to equal or exceed any collection ever offered for sale in this Kingdom, having at present near One Thousand for Sale.

He has also a large assortment of the best and newest Musical Publications of all kinds and for all Instruments. Piano Forte, &c. Lent out on Hire. Limerick, April 23.