The poem “The Praises of Limerick” was published by Peter Brereton, a ballad sheet printer operating out of Lower Exchange Street, Dublin in the 1860s. It is told from the view of a native of Limerick who has left the city for a new life but misses home. The poem has been transcribed directly, including grammatical and spelling errors.
The Praises of Limerick 
Farewell sweet lovely fine town,
When Pennywell road and famed Garryown,
For its now I am going to leave my native home
And roue to a foreign nation;
Farewell to the strand to the mill and the square
To the grand canal and salmon wyre.
Where I oftentimes roved through each shady grove
Enjoying the girl I dearly love in mutual conversation.
Farewell to the tap-rooms and bustling noise
To any sweet comrades and the Garryown boys,
Foe its oftentimes 1 crowned my my joys.
In drinking stout punch and porter,
Where is the music would so sweetly play,
We never would depart until we’d see day,
But we roar and rap for more,
And like jovial souls pay off our score,
And drink until we’d get sober.
Farewell to the parade and all therein,
To the nice fair maids and sweet young men
For its oftentimes I have been with them,
And in their lovely nabitatione,
For its inside the walls we’d hear the band,
Leading our charmers by the head,
From thence we’d walk yo Thomond gate strand,
To receive sweet recreationf
Farewell to the river Shannon clear,
Wherein our boots we oftertimes did steer,
The eiel the trout &salmon all seasons of the year,
Is there to be had in plenty
Where the verdant banls are overspread,
With lilies pink and roses red,
The river Thanes exceeds the plains
The river Nile with pride and style,
There are none of, these can be compared,
To our lovely habitation;
Farewell to my parents whose heart do grieve,
May the great God guard me in my course,
For if I had a fortune shining purse,
Its then I would seek out my honour,
For Its here at home I went remain,
I will steer my câurce to France or Spain,
But its here at home I went remain,
That I was rear’d a Garryown boy,
And a reving sporting hero,