rediscovering limerickThis series of videos Rediscovering Limerick details aspects of Limerick’s History is written and presented by Sharon Slater of Limerick’s Life and filmed and edited by Sean Wrenn of I Love Limerick in an attempt to inform, educate and amuse. Rediscovering Limerick takes you onto the streets to walk into the steps of our past.

In this episode we deal with the Walls of Limerick

In the early 12th century the first wall was built around the English Town in Limerick, extending from the Castle to the Abbey River surrounding the city as it was then. In the early 14th century work began on extending around Irish Town, from the Abbey River to John’s Gate, to protect the ever expanding city. During the the 17th century there were four sieges on Limerick which all took their toll on the walls. In 1760 Limerick was declares a “Free City” and demolition of the walls began. You can still see fragments of the wall at John’s Gate and the outline of the wall is marked out in several points around the city, such as at the Milk Market and off Mary Street.

You can see the next episode in this series here.