Each street in Limerick was given a name, and sometimes a name was given twice, as with Church Street or New Street.
Listed below are the most likely reasons behind each street name in the city, although some street names have changed through time. While the original reasoning for certain names have been lost to time entirely. In the early 1990s, Gerry Joyce published ‘Limerick City Street Names’ an account of street names, this list has added to the streets in that publication.
Where possible, a link to the street on the 1911 census has been added to the street name.
Streets beginning with:
A : B : C : D : E : F : G : H : I : J : K : L : M : N : O : P : Q : R : S : T : U : V : W : X : Y : Z :
Abbey Bridge: named after the Abbey Fishermen who lived in the area, there was controversy over the naming of this bridge, the first suggestion was the Jim Kemmy, bridge after the late politician and historian, the Limerick City Museum was later renamed in his honour.
Abbey: This was located in St. Mary’s Parish in the old Franciscan Abbey area of the city (this area was predominately the home to families whose work related to the river).
Abbeycourt Row: This was located in the St. Munchins Parish area.
Ahern’s Row: located off Sir Harry’s Mall in the Abbey area of the city, named after James Ahern, an adjoining property owner. Photograph of Ahern’s Row
Albert Place: (now Laurel Hill Avenue) named after Prince Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria. Albert Place adjoined Victoria Terrace on the South Circular Road.
Alley Lane: This was located in the Gerald Griffin Street area of the city.
Alphonsus Avenue: (now Quin Street) located off the South Circular Road, was named after the nearby St. Alphonsus Church. It is interesting to note that a small avenue at the side of the Church is now named St. Alphonsus Avenue.
Alphonsus Street: Named after the local St. Alphonsus Church.
Anderson Court: Located in the Cecil Street Area of the city.
Andrews Cottages: Located in the Castle Ward area of the city.
Anne Street: This street was named after Anne Rankin, who owned the five houses in the street in the mid-nineteenth century. She is named as the owner on Griffith’s valuation (circa 1850). Photograph of Anne Street.
Ardara Terrace: Located off the Ennis Road, the houses were built between 1900-1925.
Arthur’s Quay: Located in the city centre, named after the Arthur Family who constructed the Quay. It was the first quay of the Newtownpery.
Arthur’s Mews: This was located off Francis Street, behind the old Arthur’s Quay buildings
Ascot Terrace: Located in the O’Connell Avenue area of the city.
Ashbourne Road: Located in the O’Connell Avenue area of the city.
Assembly Mall: (now part of Charlotte’s Quay) was named after the Assembly House or Theatre that fronted on to it.
Assumpta Park: named after our Lady of the Assumption .
Athlunkard Street (part b): Which takes it name from the Irish, Sraid Ath an Longphuirt, the street of the camp ford. Photograph of Athlunkard Street
Augustine Place: Located in the St. Munchin’s Parish area of the city.
Augustinian Lane: (formerly Augustinian Chapel Place), named because of its proximity to the Augustinian Church. This lane exits on both sides of the church, here are photographs of one side and the other side.