The following are a collection of wanted ads that appeared in the Limerick Chronicle from 1888 and 1889 :

Selected Wanted Ads from the Limerick Chronicle in 1888

Issue dated March 10, 1888:

Important to Ladies – Madame Worth’s celebrated Guinea Corsets (black 25s) may be obtained from her local agents, Messrs Cannock and Co (Limited), Limerick.

Issue dated March 13, 1888:

A most respectable girl, just disengaged, wishes for a situation as House Maid or House and Parlour Maid ; she thoroughly understands her business in both stations, and is a good plain needle-woman ; can be highly recommended. Please address office of this paper for “K I.”

Issue dated May 31, 1888:

During summer the Effervescent Saline will be found a cooling, refreshing, purifying, and healthful medicine, useful to all. In bottles, 1s 6d each; by post, 1s 10d. – J Laird & Co., L. P. S. I., Medical Hall, Limerick.

Issue dated June 21, 1888:

Sale of the Priory – The sale of this very attractive residence was held today at the mart., 60 George Street, but the interest in the lease, as advertised, was not disposed of. The sale continues yet with Mr F W McCarthy, who has positive instructions, we are informed, to negotiate a sale at a very nominal reserve, on such terms as must commend themselves to anyone requiring a truly handsome house and grounds.

Issue dated August 11, 1888:

Groom and Coachman – a respectable Protestant man, in the prime of life, wants a situation as above; thoroughly understands his business; is a good careful driver; long and satisfactory discharges; can be highly recommended for honesty, sobriety and quietness. Please address A B, office of this paper.

Issue dated August 11, 1888:

Wanted, Boy to mind a horse, and make himself useful. Apply to Doctor Myles, 13 The Crescent.

Issue dated October 8, 1888:

Wanted – Ladies who can knit, do embroidery, crewels &c, to send their Names and Address to the Providence Mills Spinning Co. Bradford, when they receive Gratis, Post Free, a splendid set of Patterns of Wools & Silks, and particulars showing the great saving (3d in the shilling, in some cases more) by dealing Direct with the Spinners. – Mention this paper.

Issue dated December 29, 1888:

Wanted – A respectable young woman as a General Servant; must produce satisfactory discharges and highly recommended. Address “GS” this office.

Selected Wanted Ads from the Limerick Chronicle in 1889:

Issue dated January 1, 1889:

Wanted – Yardman, and wife who must be butter maker and rearer of poultry; man to look after cows, horses & c, and be a good milker; Protestants, without family; must be good workers, and be well recommended for honesty and sobriety. Apply to Mr Redding, Castle Oliver, Kilfinane.

Issue dated July 13, 1889:

What is it?- Murrain Drench, Scour Mixture, Fly Oil. Medicines of every kind reliable, of undoubted purity, and moderate prices, for horses, sheep, and cattle. Telegraphic and postal orders attended to without delay. John Laird and Co., L.P.S.I., Medical Hall, Limerick.

Mr Herbert Clifford, L.D.S., R.C.S.E., Surgeon-Dentist, of 11, Clare Street, Dublin, has a branch established at 11 Upper Mallow Street, Limerick, where his representative, a Doctor of Dental Surgery, Philadelphia College, U.S.A., is in regular daily attendance from 9 to 6 o’clock. County patients should make appointments by writing, a few days prior to calling.

Issue dated August 31, 1889:

Wanted – A competent man to take entire charge of a Provision Business. Apply by letter to James O’Mara, 42, Roches Street. Only those with highest references need apply.

Wanted, a respectable girl, as Nurse to mind three children; must be Protestant, and be able to teach first lessons; references required. Address, Nurse, this office.

Issue dated October 8, 1889:

Lost or Strayed, from Corbally, on Monday, 7th inst., an Irish Terrier pup, about 4 months old. Answers to the name of “Joker.” A reward will be given if left at Eglantine, or at 76 George Street.

Issue dated November 26, 1889

Wanted a smart, intelligent youth as (indoor) apprentice for a hosiery and outfitting business. Apply to C. Corneille, Thomas Street.

Issue dated December 31, 1889:

Furnished Apartments to be let in George Street – Sitting and Bedroom, with attendance. – Address E.G., Chronicle Office.

Apartments to be let – Sitting-room (use of piano) with one or two Bed-rooms, furnished, or three upper rooms, unfurnished; central, George street. – Apply to Office of this paper.

Irish Terrier, dog, 10 months old, first class pedigree, splendid coat, ears &c, for sale, or exchange for Fox Terrier about same age &c. Apply 4, Upper Mallow Street.

Under Housemaid wanted – Apply Miss Croker, Grange, Kilmallock.

The Castle as viewed in 1900

The Castle as viewed in 1900